Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A favourite poem by a favourite poet

The Swimmer's Moment
Margaret Avison

For everyone
The swimmer's moment at the whirlpool comes,
But many at that moment will not say
"This is the whirlpool, then."
By their refusal they are saved
From the black pit, and also from contesting
The deadly rapids, and emerging in
The mysterious, and more ample, further waters.
And so their bland-blank faces turn and turn
Pale and forever on the rim of suction
They will not recognize.
Of those who dare the knowledge
Many are whirled into the ominous centre
That, gaping vertical, seals up
For them an eternal boon of privacy,
So that we turn away from their defeat
With a despair, not for their deaths, but for
Ourselves, who cannot penetrate their secret
Nor even guess at the anonymous breadth
Where one or two have won:
(The silver reaches of the estuary).


  1. If her poem is about the decision for Christ and death to self, I might understand her imagery but wow, I am either not an intellectual at all or her poetry is extremely mysterious and vague or perhaps both. Beautifully written but my lack of knowledge in her poetry makes feel rather unintelligent. I just want to cry out, "Speak clearly, please!!" :)

    1. I've always liked her imagery. I think its about those that risk. Its so scary to risk at times. We all are in secret awe of those that do and what they've achieved or have come to know/understand. All of us are challenged with this in some area, at some point. It can just be so terrifying to jump into the unknown - whether it be relationally or school, work, or faith-related. Only those that risk, ultimately, can reach the beauty of the unknown. Only those that risk have the hope of ever achieving or knowing something greater. Its a challenge to me because I find that I can be a bit of a scaredy cat. Its a reminder to me to try to be a little bit braver. (At least, that's what it means to me. I'm sure the intellectual sorts could read into it things much deeper ;))
